Becoming part of the Faulkner Design family at the beginning of 2021, Kurt has dug his roots deep into the FDG team. The life of the party with endless and entertaining stories, perfectly timed quips, and an overall positive attitude, Kurt welcomes everyone to the office with open arms.

Kurt has always had a knack for design, putting together the small pieces of a puzzle to make ideas and inspiration become reality.

“I like to look for little moments in a design where we can make a product or detail bring the project to life.”
- Kurt, Designer

Originally from Lincoln, NE, Kurt graduated from Kansas State University in 2014 with a Masters in Interior Architecture and Product Design before making his way down to Austin, TX, in 2015 to pursue a career in architectural design. Kurt is always using his creativity and dedication for finding the key element in each project to make the community stand out and bring the client’s dreams to life. In his search for the perfect materials, Kurt has amassed a collection of items, including fabrics and finishes, lapel pins, two Christmas Villages, and kitchenware. With his vast array of trinkets, Kurt has since been dubbed, “The Collector.”



Participants - Designer, Kurt, Designer, Cameron, Designer, Caroline, Senior Project Manager, Alison, and Project Manager, Cynthia


Q: What superhero would you be?
Nightcrawler, because we share a name, he is blue (my favorite color), and can teleport. How cool would that be! - Kurt

Q: What is your favorite phrase that Kurt says often?
He always shortens and abbreviates the names of things, using his own special jargon. It takes me a minute to catch on every time. - Cameron

Q: What’s your favorite memory of Kurt?
When he stayed with me during “Snowmageddon” when he had no electricity. It got down to 36 degrees in his apartment. He actually walked to my house in the snow. He had only been in Dallas about 5 weeks so we became quick friends. - Cynthia
A: Kurt blow-torching his dessert for the pumpkin baking contest. - Alison
A: Our “Lunch Bunch” dates every day! They always give me something to look forward to and I know I’m guaranteed a laugh! - Caroline

Q: Who is your celebrity soulmate?
Cheyenne Jackson. Tall, Broadway actor, handsome. Need I say more? - Kurt

Q: Who is Kurt’s celebrity doppelganger?
Will Ferrell. - Alison

Q: Would you switch places with a celebrity for a day?
No, the fame out be too much. I would hate to be on a walk and have 10 people run up and try to take pictures or ask for autographs. - Kurt

Q: What’s something that annoys Kurt?
Messy spaces and disorganization. - Cameron

Q: What’s something unique about Kurt?
He loves plants and names his plants after the person he got them from. - Cynthia
A: He has been to Disney World more times than anyone I know! - Alison
A: He has an extensive Christmas Village collection that he’s been growing since he was a kid! - Caroline

Q: What sport would you play professionally?
Theatre, because all through high school and summers in college, I performed on stage. Anyone that says it’s not a sport doesn’t understand and hasn’t been in a performance. - Kurt

Q: What is one place Kurt would never go?
Any bowling alley - he hates bowling. - Alison

Q: What’s your favorite place to live?
Coburg, Germany. The public transit was amazing. It was great being able to walk to classes. Then on the way home, stopping at the grocery store to get food to cook. - Kurt

Q: What is Kurt’s most interesting hobby?
Baking! He is an amazing baker, yet he’s so humble about it. He’s constantly bringing treats to the office to spoil his teammates and win them over. - Cameron
A: His love of Disney! He goes to Disney World every year and is often caught referencing miscellaneous quotes and scenes in conversation. - Caroline
A: Collecting lapel pins and watching Harry Potter. - Cynthia

Q: What is your favorite book?
: The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. It is a beautiful dance of a novel. The author uses descriptions to bring the world to life. It’s plot leaves you on your toes and makes you want to continue to read, even if it’s 3:00 A.M. and you have to work at 6:00 A.M. - Kurt

Q: What TV show can you see Kurt being part of?
Schitt’s Creek. He reminds me of David with his dry humor. - Cynthia

Q: If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Pizza. Pizza is life. Pizza is the best. Pizza is EVERYTHING. - Kurt

Q: What do you most admire about Kurt?
His design talent and knowledge. I have learned so much from him in the short time we’ve known each other and know that will only continue in the future. - Caroline
He is an incredible designer and works at an amazing pace. - Alison
He always brings levity to work with him. His sense of humor is pure wit and his presence always keeps the atmosphere light. - Cameron

Q: What’s your favorite thing about Kurt?
I truly love his sarcasm. - Cynthia
A: How caring and passionate he is. His friendship and genuine positivity always brightens my day. - Caroline
A: His dry, sarcastic sense of humor. - Alison

Q: What’s something that you realized about yourself after the pandemic?
Baking has been a hidden talent that has really blossomed over the past two years, but only tarts, cakes, pies, and some cookies. Bread is still my nemesis, and I will defeat it in 2022. - Kurt


